SPARC - bridging the body and the brain

Learn about the SPARC Portal and the SPARC Data and Resource Center

SPARC Portal - Vision

Facilitate enhanced understanding of the peripheral nervous system, spinal cord, and other physiological systems to support the development of safe and effective bioelectronic, pharmacological, and other therapies by driving collaborative neurosciences/physiology and providing online resources for accessing and submitting curated data and models, as well as dynamic knowledge-management and visualization tools.

SPARC Portal - Mission

To ensure that the knowledge and data generated by the SPARC community are FAIR, to lay the foundation for sustainable growth of that knowledge beyond SPARC, and to foster a surrounding community.

Annual Report

We are pleased to share our first annual public report describing highlights and plans for the SPARC platform. We at the SPARC Data and Resource Center (DRC) are on a mission to provide neuroscience researchers with an open platform and ecosystem of FAIR (Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, Reusable) data, models, and coming soon - devices. The SPARC Portal - acts as a nexus between researchers, outcomes of the SPARC Consortium, and community support and outreach efforts.

Download and view the SPARC Annual Report 2024

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To meet the Vision and Mission the SPARC Portal has a roadmap of future functionality to provide an open, sustainable online resource and infrastructure for autonomic neurosciences and bioelectronic medicine to the global scientific community, and to foster collaboration.

Who We Support
The SPARC Portal currently supports 3 consortia. Visit the consortia page to find out more about them.

What We Offer

We offer an integrated approach and develop technologies that foster new collaborations to enable integration of data and models, meta-data, comprehensive knowledge management, and publication on the SPARC Portal.

The SPARC Portal offers a growing collection of digital resources that focus on the role of the peripheral nervous system in systems physiology, like controlling organ function - available for your exploration and re-use.

Who We Are

The SPARC Portal is developed by a multidisciplinary team, the SPARC Data and Resource Center (DRC). We are a non-profit and aim to provide our products free or for a minimal charge to the academic research community.

Help Us Grow

SPARC DRC services can be employed for selected datasets, models, or tools, or to support complete project outcomes for consortia. Learn more about SPARC funding, how you can contribute, and how to get updates on future opportunities.

History of SPARC

History of SPARC